Quiénes somos
Corporación Biotec (CB) es una organización privada, sin ánimo de lucro, promovida para su constitución en 1995 por la Universidad del Valle en el marco de la Ley de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia, con la participación de asociados de los sectores académico, gubernamental, empresarial y de la sociedad civil.
Corporación Biotec (CB) es un Centro del Sistema Nacional de CTI de Colombia. Cuenta con el reconocimiento del Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e innovación-Colciencias, como Centro de Investigación, renovado mediante la Resolución No. 369- 19 de abril 2018. Con base en un convenio especial, CB tiene su sede en el CIAT desde 1999.
CB ha construido una Escuela de Pensamiento, basada en tres pilares:
Los pilares de la Escuela de pensamiento: Cadena de valor de la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación, la cadena productiva como objeto de investigación e innovación y Sistemas de innovación como espacio de la intervención, facilitan acciones sinérgicas, orientación a la generación de valor agregado y el retorno a la inversión, lógica de impacto, entornos incluyentes, mayor pertinencia de la investigación, orientación a resultados y contextualización en entornos cambiantes.
Este enfoque es disruptivo frente a las prácticas académicas tradicionales. Aplicarlo exige el desarrollo y revisión permanente de mecanismos de acción que lo hagan operacional a través de los cuales es generada una consistencia en el quehacer de la Corporación y una base para la sostenibilidad institucional, en medio de dificultades especialmente financieras

Cadena de Valor de I, DT + Innovación

Sectores productivos beneficiarios: Cadena Productiva – CB

Componentes básicos del sistema de innovación
CB actualizó su direccionamiento estratégico para el período 2016-2021 como parte del proceso de renovación del reconocimiento institucional.
CB enmarca su Oferta de Valor en tres Estrategias:
1) Sostenibilidad de Sistemas Productivos de frutales tropicales y de forestales,
2) Agricultura y Salud: Dieta Regional y condicionantes sociales del bienestar y
3) Ingredientes Naturales para Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, Salud pública e Industrias de valor agregado, al interior de las cuales incluye modelos, tecnologías y casos demostrativos, desarrollados a través de las siguientes temáticas prioritarias:
– Biotecnología en cadenas productivas de frutales promisorios y leñosos. -Innovación en la relación sistemas productivos agrícolas y bienes y servicios ecosistémicos. -Innovación en Ingredientes Naturales y sus derivados con potencial aplicación en productos de alto valor agregado. -Innovación para la optimización del uso de biomasa residual. -Gestión Especializada de la innovación BIO.
CB cuenta con 2 grupos de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, ambos clasificados y reconocidos en la Convocatoria Colciencias 781 de 2017:
– Grupo de Biotecnología en cadenas productivas de frutales promisorios.
– Grupo del Clúster bioindustrial del Occidente Colombiano.
Corporación Biotec in Colombia’s Regional and National Science, Technology, and Innovation
System – STI
1. Corporacion Biotec (CB) is a Research Center from Colombia’s National STI System.
CB has received official recognition as a Research Center by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and
Innovation-Minciencias, renewed through Resolution No. 0927- September 7, 2022.
CB’s Board of Directors, chaired by the President of the University of Valle, comprises seven members
representing its associates from the academic and research community and the business community.
Under a special agreement, CB is based at CIAT, vía Cali-Palmira, since 1999.
2. CB has created a School of Thought on the basis of three pillars: 1) The value chain for research,
technological development, and innovation; 2) The supply chain as the sectors concerned; and 3) The
development of research and innovation within innovation systems.
As of 2016, in the second stage of its institutional life, CB’s mission is building and optimizing BIO
frontier research and innovation capacities to contribute to the agricultural re-conversion and biobusiness acceleration, in sustainable agricultural systems with a high added value, for better living.
CB will be the benchmark for a sustainable tropical bio-economy.
3. CB updated its strategic approach for the period ranging between 2016 and 2026, as part of the
institutional recognition renewal process.
CB frames its Value Proposition under three strategies: 1) Sustainability of forest and fruit tropical
production systems, 2) Agriculture and health: regional diet and social determinants of well-being, and
3) Natural ingredients for food and nutrition security, public health, and added-value industries, within
which it includes models, technologies, and demonstrative cases developed through the following
priority themes:
– Biotechnology in the supply chains of woody and promising fruit trees.
– Innovation regarding agricultural production systems and ecosystem goods and services.
– Innovation in natural ingredients and their derivatives with a potential for application in products
with a high added value
– Innovation for the optimization of the use of residual biomass.
– Targeted management of BIO innovation.
4. CB has two research, technological development, and innovation groups:
– The Group for biotechnology in the supply chains of promising fruit trees.
– The Group for the bio-industrial cluster in western Colombia.
5. CB has developed a strategy for research, technological development, and innovation in sustainable
agricultural systems with a high added value. Under this concept, research and innovation (R&I) has been
developed using the supply chain of soursop (Annona muricata L.) as a model. Jointly with CIAT, CB
registered the patent for an invention, entitled “Process for the in vitro clonal propagation of soursop
plants using cyclic micrografting”, granted by the SIC of Colombia through Resolution No. 17204 of 2006.
On 2014, Corporación Biotec was awarded Contract No. 102 for Access to Genetic Resources and Byproducts for scientific research for bioprospecting purposes in soursop (Annona muricata L.), submitted
to the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. From May 14, 2015, it has a biological
material delivery agreement with the Soursop Genebank at Corpoica – currently Agrosavia.
6. Since 2010, Corporación Biotec has led the process to set up the Regional Innovation System for
Agriculture, Agro-industry, and Bio-industry – SRIB, considering that a culture of innovation in the Bio
sector and the contribution and use of enabling environments for the application of biotechnology and
life sciences, are tools to enhance the growth and prosperity of the region, as they are essential
conditions to strengthen the Corporation. In this context, CB led the implementation of the Project:
“R+D+I Capacity Strengthening for the Production of Natural Ingredients(NI) using Residual
Biomass,Palmira, Cauca Valley, Western Region” started on April 2018, after its prioritization in the
Cauca Valley PAED (Departmental Strategic Plans and Agreements) in march, 2016, and approval by
the OCAD Management and Decision-making Body for the Royalties General System for STI) in 2017.
It concluded on December 2020 with the development of three prototypes of Natural Ingredients (see
web page), which patent processes underway in cotitularity with Universidad del Valle. And a Model for
NI production registered as a trademark: UV/VB MODELO IN. These developments are the base for new
research and innovation and for spinoffs and biobusinesses. CB builds its strength upon NI, exploring
sources in marine, agricultural, and wild biodiversity, extracting and identifying secondary metabolites
and other excipient components with functional and biological activities of interest.
In partnership with CIAT, CB has developed the C-G HIGHVALBIO Mobility Project with the Leibniz
Institute, Germany, through IPB-Halle. As part of this cooperation, CB is currently advancing in an
initiative to obtain the metabolic profile of the chontaduro (Bactris gasipaes) jointly, with the UV, the UV
Palmira headquarters and the IPB of Halle.
Several projects for the Pacific are being structured, inter-institutionally.
CB participates in the regional Food systems analysis and transformation, with the Alliance FOLU-CIAT.
7. In 2021, CB, as an anchor Center, associatively developed, for the Universidad del Valle, the conceptual
design of the Center for Research and Innovation in Biosciences and Bioindustry- CIIBB, a strategic
initiative of the University based at UV- Palmira.
In the context of the “Mision de sabios”, 2019 and based on the recognition of the importance of the
agricultural and agro-industrial sectors and rural development in Colombia, CB has been an active
participant in the Bioeconomy Mission in Colombia, in an environment conducive to the offer of research
and innovation and the experience of the Corporation, in response to the demands of its partners.
CB promotes the Colombia Pacific Vision: Biodiversity-climate action-well-being as a colletive iniciative.
CB represents the research Centers at the STI body (CODECTI).
Corporacion Biotec has jointly developed models with inter-agency approval, which are available for the
region and the country, to provide agriculture, agro-industry, and bio-industry with technological innovations,
especially for rural development, such as site-specific agriculture for fruit trees: SSA-Fruits; Culture and the
Healthy Agriculture; Technological innovation for agro-industrial companies with high added value in farmer
economy-IECAM; Insertion of biotechnology and life sciences into rural basic education and the workshops
“Biotechnology for non-Biotechnologists” and “biotecnologa para el desarrollo” (Biotechnology for
Development). Corporacion Biotec features the BIOLAB laboratory for the analysis of pesticide residues and
other analyses of interest to the market.
Corporacion Biotec supports its research and innovation with an in-house team and with an extensive
cooperation network, as well as national and international public and private partnerships.
CB publishes six-monthly newsletters that are available at Corporacion Biotec’s web page.
Contacts: Web site: http://www.corporacionbiotec.org – Emails: usi4-biotec@cgiar.org, myriams@cgiar.org
Phone: Mobile + 57 3174016368
CB, Santiago de Cali, December 2022.